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Supporting Hawke's Bay in its recovery following Cyclone Gabrielle
Supporting Hawke's Bay in its recovery following Cyclone Gabrielle

After the recent cyclone which has absolutely devastated the region and the community, we are looking to any way we can help support our beautiful region to get back up on its feet.

We have been the lucky ones, our team is safe, our homes and our boutique are with little or no damage, and we were only without power for 3-4 days,  however many people around us have lost their homes, essential services such as power and water, loved ones have been lost and livelihoods destroyed and this is absolutely heartbreaking.

We've had amazing support both within our community and outside of it. We are extremely grateful for this.  From food, clothing, accommodation to hay for animals, diggers and manual labour to clear roads and properties and this isn't isn't even the half of it!  Its been amazing to see people pull together in a time of crisis.

Our region will however require a huge amount of financial support to help with the  recovery so we are committed to donating a portion of every jewellery sale both instore or online to the Hawkes Bay Disaster Relief Trust.  This is a fund set up by Hawke's Bay Mayors originally for the 2020 droughts and now reactivated so that people can provide financial donations in the knowledge that the money will be spent on the most urgently needed support for the people and communities that need it most.

We realise that in the big scheme of things, its very much every little bit helps but it will make our hearts happy in the knowledge that every handcrafted piece of jewellery made by Richard James will help to support our region in some way.

If you are looking to purchase a piece of jewellery, we thank you so much for your support!